New Patient Registration
Everyone has a right to register with a GP. You do not need proof of address, immigration status, ID or an NHS number to register at our practice.
This questionnaire is to collect information about your health so that the health professionals at your GP practice can understand what support, treatment and specialist services you may need in accordance with the confidentiality and data sharing policies of the National Health Service.
If you have ID available you can provide this as it may help speed up the registration process but we do not insist on it. Upon registration you will be informed of your named GP and offered to book in with the Healthcare Assistant for a New Patient Health check.
If you are on any medications, where possible you should ensure you have enough supply from your previous practice and provide us with a copy of the repeat slip. You will need to book a routine appointment with the GP within 2 months to review the medication and get them added onto repeat.
Your GP will not disclose any information you provide for purposes other than your direct care unless:
- you have consented (e.g., to support medical research);
- they are required to do so by law (e.g., to protect other people from serious harm);
- or because there is an overriding public interest (e.g., you are suffering from a communicable disease).
Further information about how your GP will use your information is available from reception.
If there is something that you do not feel comfortable sharing in this form and you would like to discuss it with a doctor, please speak to reception or call your GP practice and book an appointment.
To register a new patient you will need to live within our practice boundary.
You can register via the link Register with a GP Surgery, alternatively you can complete the form below.