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Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Urinary Tract Infection Assessment


Sex at birth: *
Are you over 65? *


Do you have painful urination?
Do you have difficulty passing urine?
Are you passing urine more frequently?
Do you need to pass urine more urgently?
Do you have lower abdominal pain?
Do you have loin or flank pain?
Is there blood seen in your urine?
Do you feel unwell?
Are you able to carry out most of your usual activities?
Are you prone to urine infections?
Are you pregnant?
Do you have a temperature?
Are you experiencing shivering/chills?
Are you experiencing new or worsening confusion?
Is your urine cloudy?
Are you experiencing new or worsening urinary incontinence?


Please select all that apply:


Please specify:


Urine Sample

Please drop off your urine sample before 13:00 – samples received after this time will be discarded. Sample pots are available from the practice. Please use a clean, sterile container that is clearly labelled with your details.
