Zero tolerance

The NHS and Oak Street Medical Practice operate a zero tolerance policy to violence and abuse. As an employer, the practice has a duty of care for the health, safety and wellbeing of its staff. There is also a legal responsibility to provide a safe and secure working environment.

All patients and staff are expected to behave in an acceptable, respectful manner. Any incident of aggressive or threatening behaviour is not tolerated, and the practice has a right to refuse treatment or take further action if this policy is breached.

Examples of abuse towards NHS staff include:

  • Verbal abuse: Swearing, offensive remarks, insulting or degrading language, or racial, homophobic, or sexual remarks
  • Physical abuse: Pushing, shoving, or other physical violence
  • Threatening behaviour: Threats of physical harm, or aggressive, forceful tone and/or language
  • Malicious allegations: Making malicious allegations about staff, other patients, or visitors
  • Offensive gestures: Offensive gestures or behaviours
  • Substance abuse: Abusing alcohol or drugs on practice premises
  • Damage to property: Wilful damage of practice property
  • Theft: Theft from the practice’s premises, staff, or patients
  • Fraud: Obtaining drugs and/or medical services fraudulently
  • Persistent demands: Persistent or unrealistic demands that cause stress to staff